Fixed some bugs today and added new ones in the bug list. I should probably make a better list of bugs, because they aren't going away. I think I have been too condifent that re-factoring the source code is going to remove bugs like that. In fact removing bugs
is re-factoring and it's maybe the best kind of re-factoring, because you create solutions that just works and not a perfect source code that is supposed to work (that rarely happens).
It's been really windy all this day. It's not usual in this part of world. Like what the heck is going on? To make it more annoying our rooftop is loose and it's banging against the roof all the fucking time.
This day sucked at work, too. I was given a job as an officer to EU election (some lucky bastards get elected to EU parliament and get like shitload of salary). EU is shit, it's going to fall down in couple of years. So, there I'm sitting on a chair for FOUR hours and waiting for people to come and vote for those bastards. The pre-election lasts a week and I have four days, each having 4 painfully long hours left.
If that is not enough my prostate is killing me. It's been bad since last christmas and this is no joke. When it's going chronic you just have to take it like a man. I should go to doctor, but I'm not sure they can do anything.
Fuck that wind. Fuck you, wind!