Monday 28 August 2017

New gameview design plan

Since I had no luck with FOV I've moved on to next feature which is not in fact terrain effect when moving but the new gameview. Funny thing is that I've had this constantly scrolling "Ultima" style gameview since the beginning of this project, but I'm going to change it anyway. The reason for Ultima view were tiles of course, because in ancient times you couldn't create a large view area with tiles, it had to be small. But it's no longer a problem.

The current view is 17x17 tiles, but since I'm keeping a full hd resolution as "minimum" then there is room for larger view. One possibility could be 30x20 tiles. It's still quite small, but allows push scrolling for the view and it's not too large, because more tiles means slower gameloop. When I was making a sketch of 30x20 tiles to see how it looks it's quite mindblowing to realize that Nethack's gameview is 80x20 something (the level area). It's so wide, but it's harder to get, because often the font is taller than its width. I guess you could say Nethack predicted wide angle screens long before they existed.

Push scrolling is used in many roguelikes so it's not that strange. ADOM has it and also tile versions of roguelikes, including Nethack. It's also quite "easy" to change the gameview to push scroll and I have done it in Teemu so at least it's not going to be a big problem like FOV. But as always we'll see that later. Also the screen size is going to change and it means lots of changes in placing gui components, windows and other stuff like that. However since I'm developing this one feature at a time it's not going to blow up everything at once.

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