Monday 6 September 2010

Refactoring dungeon generator

I have a new idea how to create good navigation options in the dungeon layout. Navigation logic is important when you create something more sophisticated than just random rooms. I'm also starting to have an idea how to combine all types of dungeon features seamlessly together. Not all features are needed in all level thems so it must be possible to remove a feature without confusing the level generator.

When I get that working it's time to add plants which are the next logical step in the dungeon generation. I already created a system for plants that are used both in creation and real time plant reproduction. The idea is let plants grow and take their place, possibly struggling with other plants. Light conditions and the type of soil would affect the plant growth. I'm interested to see if it actually works.


  1. Maybe some images of the generated maps to see where you are going?

    One day I was thinking of moving or living maps, but that might not be feasible to implement in a roguelike.

  2. Taustakuvan koko on tajuton 1800x1800 ja tahmauttaa sivun käytön tehokkaalla koneella. (Toimii sulavasti jos disabloin kuvan pois esim. Firebugilla).

  3. Karttoja voisi laittaa sitten kun saan pelit ja vehkeet taas toimimaan. Saamarin kiintolevy räjähti ja odottelen uutta konetta.
