Saturday 27 July 2013

The palace

Small room item creation bug was fixed. Rooms are now in a list which also means I can create the interior later. It's an idea I've had for rooms to form "houses" by checking out where a room is connected and then determining the room interior.

There was also a bug in a return value of one routine. I used int return value with -1 as failure and 0 as success. It doesn't sound bad, but it can be since I was thinking zero was failure when I called the routine. It's easy to make that mistake since I'm using zero for failure in routines that return object handle. In cases like this it's much safer to use bool as return value. This bug was only telling that there was no room to create item in a small room. It didn't do anything else.

The actual bug was in the search routine which had no room mask id included so the area of search could include tiles outside the room. In theory, because the room rectangle should be good enough. So this is one of the few bugs that were fixed by an accident. I don't know what happened.

I'm reading a booklet The Oxford Handbook of The Bronze Age Aegean. The famous Knossos palace is interesting, because it was kind of a labyrinth with no clear floor plan. Maybe it was also a castle of some sort, planned to make it easier to defend and confuse enemies. Or maybe it was built like that for religious reasons. Who knows, but the important thing is that it's like made for a roguelike level theme. What could be better than random placement of rooms without apparent logic? An ancient palace with hidden rooms, long corridors, mazes and stuff. And it's an idea from the real life.

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